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Article Workshops and Trainings

Grant National Scheme Albania Workshop During the month of March, AATSF conducted workshops all over Albania, including the following cities: Fier, Kruje, Shkoder, Berat, Korça,...

AATSF take part in Voskopoja cultural festival

AATSF took part in the promotional activity in Voskopoja organized by Korça Municipality Korça Municipality organized the local festival called ‘Rrëfej Voskopojën’ on saturday afternoon...

AATSF participation the 2nd International Conference on Agriculture and Life Science

From Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th,  AATSF members including: The Deputy Team Leader Mrs. Anila Denaj, International agriculture value chain expert, Dr. Martin Mautner...

AATSF participation in the AgroTech Fair 2018

AATSF participated in the AgroTech Fair which took place from 27th till 29th of April and was located in Tirana at ExpoCity. During the...

First AgroPoint opens in Fier with AATSF presence

The first unique and dedicated one stop counter for farmers opened in Fier on January 10, 2018. The new facility will provide farmers with application...

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